Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week #3

Andrew is 3 weeks old! A few pictures of him hanging-out on the quilt Aunt Andrea made.

On his 3-week birthday, Andrew was laying on the floor for some tummy time. He is able to hold up his head for short periods of time and getting a little stronger every day. He had lost his pacifier and was sucking his hand. After a while, he became upset and began to lift himself up using his arms and knee. Before I knew it, he had rolled himself from his belly to his back! I was pretty suprised, but I'm not sure that he would be able to do it again.

Big yawns... So sleepy...

Andrew loves the vibration on the bouncy seat. Given his pacifier and vibrating seat, he falls asleep very quickly. However, as soon as Mom or Dad turn off the vibration, he wakes up. We better stock-up on batteries!

3-week picture. He is definitely growing!


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