Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week #3

Andrew is 3 weeks old! A few pictures of him hanging-out on the quilt Aunt Andrea made.

On his 3-week birthday, Andrew was laying on the floor for some tummy time. He is able to hold up his head for short periods of time and getting a little stronger every day. He had lost his pacifier and was sucking his hand. After a while, he became upset and began to lift himself up using his arms and knee. Before I knew it, he had rolled himself from his belly to his back! I was pretty suprised, but I'm not sure that he would be able to do it again.

Big yawns... So sleepy...

Andrew loves the vibration on the bouncy seat. Given his pacifier and vibrating seat, he falls asleep very quickly. However, as soon as Mom or Dad turn off the vibration, he wakes up. We better stock-up on batteries!

3-week picture. He is definitely growing!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week #2

On Friday, Tony, Jessi, Josie, Grant, Ted, and Denise came over to visit. We attempted to get a picture of cousins Andrew and Grant. It was hard to capture a picture when Grant was wiggling, so this is the best one!

Uncle Ted's 1st visit to see Andrew. While holding a sleeping baby in one arm and a beer in the other, Ted commented on parenthood, "This is easy, I don't see what all the fuss is about!"

The rest of the weekend was spent watching football. Andrew supporting the Bucks!

Dad and Andrew during the Bengals game. Glad to see they didn't blow it again!

Andrew resting on the couch. He likes to streatch out!

Andrew had his two-week check-up on Wednesday. He weighed 7lbs 8oz, gaining 8 oz since his one-week check-up.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week #1

Andrew is one week old! Mom & Dad had quite a learning experience during the first week, and are learning new things every day. On the first day home, Dad was changing a diaper and Andrew peed all over himself! Andrew spends most of his days sleeping. He likes placing his hands next to his head, pooping in fresh new diapers, and staying awake from midnight to 3AM. On Wednesday, Mom & Dad took Andrew to the pediatrician for a 1 week check-up.

Nap Time with his hands stretched by his head!

Look at those chicken legs!

One Week Picture

Hospital Stay

After Andrew was born, we spent a few more days at the hospital. Dad quickly became an expert at changing diapers. Most people agree that Andrew looks a lot like his Daddy!

Uncle Tony, Aunt Jessi, and cousins Josie & Grant came for a visit. Grant is 15.5 weeks older and looked huge sitting next to Andrew!

Aunt Andrea and Uncle Tim

Andrew taking a little snooze. He likes to have his hands right next to his face.

Uncle Brad & Aunt Sarah

Uncle Greg & Aunt Holly

Grandma Bergman came for a visit and decided to pose Andrew on the blanket for a few pictures. How sweet & innocent!

We were dismissed from the hospital on Saturday. Andrew was so little that he hardly fit into his carseat, a few inches of space on both sides.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome Andrew Gregory!

Andrew Gregory Bergman
Born on 09-09-09 at 3:42 PM
7lbs 3oz and 20.2 in long

Since Andrew was in no hurry, the doctor decided to induce labor. Feel free to skip to the pictures if you're not interested in the labor details... I arrived at the hospital on Tuesday evening at 9:30 to begin the two stage induction process. Since I was not dialated, the first stage included a dose of Cervidil to relax the muscles and start dilation. Typically, this stage is started in the evening, so the expectant mother is able to sleep through the night. Unfortunately, I was only able to sleep about 1.5 hours and the Cervidil did not start dilation.

The doctor started the pitocin Wednesday morning around 10:45. The labor was progressing and my water broke at 12:50. The contractions were very hard and by 2:30 I was begging for an epidural. I received it around 3PM. Shortly after, the doctor indicated that I was 7cm and I was excited to hear the progression. Unfortunately, Andrew's heart rate started dropping and the doctor suspected the cord was wrapped around his neck. She decided to perform an emergency C-Section where she found the cord was wrapped around his neck not once, but 3 times! Tim & I were very thankful the doctor decided to perform the C-Section and Andrew was very healthy.

Mom, Andrew, & Dad a few hours after birth.

Grandpa and Grandma Meier visited Andrew on his birthday.

Grandma & Grandpa Bergman also came for a visit.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

4 Days Over Due!

Yes, I'm still pregnant!! The baby is definitely in no hurry. My doctor's appointments are more frequent, and I will likely be induced within the next week. Tim & I haven't been doing much of anything, just waiting....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

40 Weeks!

Today is September 2nd, my due date! I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and she indicated there is nothing going on... the baby seems to be content and is in no hurry. After my appointment, I decided to pamper myself and get a pedicure. My last day of work was Monday, so now I have more time for sleeping & nesting!