Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome Andrew Gregory!

Andrew Gregory Bergman
Born on 09-09-09 at 3:42 PM
7lbs 3oz and 20.2 in long

Since Andrew was in no hurry, the doctor decided to induce labor. Feel free to skip to the pictures if you're not interested in the labor details... I arrived at the hospital on Tuesday evening at 9:30 to begin the two stage induction process. Since I was not dialated, the first stage included a dose of Cervidil to relax the muscles and start dilation. Typically, this stage is started in the evening, so the expectant mother is able to sleep through the night. Unfortunately, I was only able to sleep about 1.5 hours and the Cervidil did not start dilation.

The doctor started the pitocin Wednesday morning around 10:45. The labor was progressing and my water broke at 12:50. The contractions were very hard and by 2:30 I was begging for an epidural. I received it around 3PM. Shortly after, the doctor indicated that I was 7cm and I was excited to hear the progression. Unfortunately, Andrew's heart rate started dropping and the doctor suspected the cord was wrapped around his neck. She decided to perform an emergency C-Section where she found the cord was wrapped around his neck not once, but 3 times! Tim & I were very thankful the doctor decided to perform the C-Section and Andrew was very healthy.

Mom, Andrew, & Dad a few hours after birth.

Grandpa and Grandma Meier visited Andrew on his birthday.

Grandma & Grandpa Bergman also came for a visit.


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