Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Andrew loves the tub!

He loves to splash!

Having so much fun!

We've been trying for over a week to get a picture of Andrew's two bottom teeth. It's not perfect, but the best yet. If you right-click the picture, you can see a larger image.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Visiting Marcus

Andrew & I went to Indy the day after Easter to visit baby Marcus. Marcus is so cute and so little. It is hard to believe Andrew was that small only 7 months ago!

We took the boys on a stroller ride around the neighborhood. The boys were exhausted after the walk.

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter weekend spending some time with our family. We had the Meier Easter on Saturday evening. Within 5 days of his 1st tooth, Andrew's second also popped through. Cousin Ben was generous to lend a finger for Andrew to chew.

For each holiday, Grandma's toy bin is emptied on the floor and the kids jump in. This year, Andrew joined in the fun.

Sunday brunch was at Grandma Bergman's house. The grandkids were too busy playing with their new toys, so a group picture was out of the question...

Friday, April 2, 2010

New Stuff!

Another exciting week! On Sunday March 28th, Andrew got a new cousin, Marcus Ryan Dippold. He was 7lbs 12oz and 21" long. That bumps-up Grandma Meier's count to 2 girls & 4 boys! We can't wait to see both Marcus & Grace this weekend.

Andrew had another milestone on Wednesday, March 31st (29 weeks). His first tooth popped through his gums! Both Mom & Dad were caught by surprise. Maybe that is why he's been trying to chew our fingers...